Is It Just Me?

Any time you live overseas, just trying to live in a different culture can result in awkward and sometimes embarrassing situations. So can language. But those aren’t always the only causes for my awkward and slightly embarrassing circumstances.

Yesterday, as I was leaving the house, three of the men of the household were hovering around the gate. Apparently, the lock was broken and they were working on getting it fixed. I was waiting for one of the boys to get ready to take to Burime. So I joined the crowd and stood and watched them work while I waited.

One of them asked if I had my key for the gate with me. I did so I handed it to him. He put it in and it wouldn’t even budge. He fiddled with it for at least 1 minute before I reliazed I had handed him my house key. So I had to stop him, apologize, show him the right one and laugh nervously. That key worked better and he quickly handed it back to me.

Luckily, about that time, the kid I was waiting for was ready and we hurried off.

I wish I could say something about the language here or the culture being the culprit behind this story. But really, it was just me. Me not thinking!

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